Dec 28, 2010

Now Showing: Ecotone at Ghost Gallery

Now Showing:
at Ghost Gallery
January 13, 2010 to February 4, 2010
With: Jess Rees, Michael Alm, Joey Bates, Mary Elise Bolam, and Jody Joldersma

Artist Reception: Thursday, January 13th from 5 to 8 pm



Nov 30, 2010

Analog 5 Photo Show at Ouch My Eye

City Birds and City Birds
Barcelona March 2010

Nov 29, 2010

Feather Collection

The Feather Collection show at Velouria is going great!
Thanks to everyone who came out. You are all so great!!!!!

There was even a visit from the Molorazzi at the opening night!

The show is still up for another week, until December 7th.
1521 Melrose Avenue | Capitol Hill | Next to Sonic Boom Records

Nov 9, 2010

Capitol Hill Art Walk

Lots of great things are happening on the hill this Thursday!
Come out for Blitz, Capitol Hill Art Walk.
Here is a map of whats going on:

I'll be hanging out with my feathers at Velouria.
1521 Melrose Avenue | Next to Sonic Boom Records | 5 - 8 pm

See you Thursday!

Nov 5, 2010

a good cause

     I was really happy to be asked (by my very lovely friend Leah Walker) to be a part of the 7th Annual Shrinky Dink Invitational Exhibition and Auction.

     This event is put on every year by Zeitgeist Cafe in Seattle to raise money for the Seattle Young People's Project. There were some really awesome submissions by about 40 Seattle artists.
I was honored to have my piece be the highest bidding piece of the night on the LIVE AUCTION, and very happy to donate my work to a good cause. Now all I have to do is figure out how to work that magic when I'm selling my work myself!!

My camera was only semi-operational during the event (oh boy do I need a new camera) so all I have to present to you is this scan of my magical shrinky dink before it was framed.

This piece is called Tiny Tiny Art History, and its the third installation of what many of you are probably familiar with as tiny art history publications/zines that I've made over the years. In real life its in a gilded 4"x5" frame, accompanied by an image list.

Oct 20, 2010

More October

Thanks to everyone who came out to the opening receptions in Ballard and SODO, and supported my work, and the work of other local artists! You guys rule!!!!

Analog 5 Photography Show
Saturday October 23rd
Ouch My Eye Gallery
1022 First Avenue S

-Maybe you didn't believe me when I said I worked in a variety of mediums. Here is another: PHOTOGRAPHY! This is a juried group show, I think there will be a band at the reception! And its aaaaallll analog, so you can't see this stuff online.

On View now:
Pottery Northwest Student Show
Closing Reception and Party
Saturday October 30th, 6pm
226 1st Ave N
-My favorite studio in Seattle! This show features work by students (myself included) from the past year.
Check out all the awesome stuff coming out of this place.

Still on View:

Feather Collection at Velouria
2205 NW Market Street
Up through October, then coming to Capitol Hill

Fall Ladies Show at Twenty20
5208 Ballard Ave NW
-see it while you still can or you'll regret it, I swear!

Photos from the reception here:

And Thanks to my friend Renai for taking some pics at Hot One Inch Action for her blog Are You My Ghost. It was such a fun event. Check it out!

Sep 30, 2010

October Exhibitions

This month I will be in two exhibitions in Ballard.
Both will have receptions on the Ballard Art Walk, October 9th from 6-9 pm. Come!


Feather Collection
Watercolors by Jess Rees
Velouria Boutique and Gallery
2205 NW Market Street
Ballard, Seattle WA

Opening Reception
Saturday, October 9th, 2010

About the work:

I've always been a bit of a naturalist, observing, investigating and collecting interesting things. Feathers are no exception. Their beauty and complexity is inspiring.

A lot of the feathers are drawn with reference to real feathers I've observed during my walks around town. City birds - pigeons, sea gulls, crows, sparrows - are such a part of everyday experiences for people in urban areas. The drawings are not meant to be a reference to a real thing, per say, but to call to attention the observation of urban wildlife that is part of our lives.

Most of these watercolor paintings are based at least in some part on a real feather. The colors veer much further from the truth than the forms do. Some of the original references are more obvious than others, like the peacock and hawk feathers. Some of the drawings look completely made up, but are actually just absolutely wild evolutionary adaptations, like as the King of Saxony Bird-of-Paradise head plumage.


Fall Ladies Show
5208 Ballard Avenue
Seattle, WA
Curated by Alexa Anderson

Opening Reception
Saturday, October 9th, 2010

I'm very very excited to say that I was asked to be a part of this show. There are some really FANTASTIC people involved here (and I don't even know all of them yet)!

About the show:
The fine folks over at 20twenty want you to come help us celebrate our first time hosting an all-women’s art opening! This show combines eight incredible local female artists in one great big super-show. All of these ladies work in mediums across the board, but share one thing in common: They continuously inspire and never cease to amaze, in their craft, talent, styles, attitudes and life views. We are excited to show some of the most beautiful fiber art, soft sculpture, paintings and collages we’ve ever seen. And lucky us! The wonderful Shana Cleveland of The Curious Mystery will be playing some special tunes towards the end of the night!
So, come on down folks! Saturday October 9th, 7p! Help us celebrate what the ladies of Seattle are creating! Get inspired, make some new friends and be merry. Fall, let’s do this.

Participating Artists include:

Lucy Brennan
Shana Cleveland

Nichole Rathburn
Jess Rees
Madelena Romansic
Kelly Rozich
Stacey Rozich
Kendal Tull-Esterbrook


Hot One Inch Action

Also on OCTOBER 9
Me and Brian got selected to be a part of the
HOT ONE INCH ACTION one-inch-button-art-show.

This is a very proud moment, because it is Brian's very first ART SHOW!
Our designs will be gracing the rounded edges of some of these little babies - which you'll have to FIGHT for to take home! Check out the site for more info on how the exhibition works.

The event goes from 8 to 11, and is at Ouch My Eye in Sodo.

Pheeeeewwww thats alot for one day. Hope to see you Seattle friends on October 9th!


I want to say a big THANKS to Lauren Testa and Laura Cali in Brooklyn for inviting me to participate in their show Perceptions of Character at Littlefield Gallery in Brooklyn NY, which closed this Sunday.
Although I can't say I had the pleasure of attending the show in person, the did a wonderful job curating and I looked GREAT from all the pictures!
I have to say they did a particularly good job choosing the image for the postcard! That's my painting! wooooooo!

Here is the description of the show:
Perceptions of Character

Thirteen artists were asked to consider the question, “What are you made of?” The answers are a culmination of how we perceive each other as people & artists, as well as the narrow line between reality & fantasy; a diverse representation of the artists & the curious world in which they’ve created to live. Curated by Lauren Testa & Laura Cali. Exhibit thru September 26.

And here is my contribution, in writing:
Jess Rees is a Seattle based artist who is interested in exploring sense of place and self though installation, sculpture, and drawing. Her lifelong quest of urban naturalism is best expressed in her interest in breaking the perceived boundaries between natural and urban and exploring all aspects of where one lives and fits into the cosmic scene – internally and externally, through ecology, biology, architecture, psychology, history and art.

Aug 2, 2010

Some things I've made lately

Urban Naturalism

Homage to the Third Molar

Assemblage with Special Effects

Jul 29, 2010

i almost forgot how FUN silkscreening is!

Printed at PrintZero in Georgetown, Seattle yesterday.

May 6, 2010

now in seattle

I am happy to say that you can now buy some jess rees originals in the CakeSpy shop in Seattle.

Thanks to Jessie Oleson for having some enchanted mushroom jars, power crystal necklaces and feather watercolors in her shop!

CakeSpy Shop! Located at 415 E Pine Street, Seattle WA 98122

Mar 9, 2010

now in barcelona

The Feather Collection Zine is now available at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona bookstore in Barcelona.

Available soon online at

interview on sociotree

interviewed by matt o on the

Feather Collection Interview

Sociotree is a project that started in the summer of 2006 that focuses on free, independent sharing of music, art, and ideas. We share things big and small, minor and major productions, mixes and hand-made crafts to zines and book clubs. The basic questions we ask is, "What are you doing? What do you want to show us?" More often than not, we get some interesting results.